
Angel Rose Gets Cum Blasted By The New Man In Town


There’s a new neighbor in town who has been blasting his jizz all over all the local moms and teens but somehow Angel Rose has been left out of the party. She naturally feels some type of way about this which is why she decides to pay Scotty a special visit. As this video from shows, the fun babe shows up expecting to get answers but she gets way more than she anticipated! Let’s just say that when she walks in she’s very clean but when she walks out, she’s covered in thick man goo!

Scotty has no problem blasting his seed all over any woman who wants it and Angel Rose is a woman who badly wants it. She wants his jizz so bad that she actually goes to his house for it! Once there, the pretty babe strips down to her bra and panties and immediately gets down on her knees where she starts pumping Scotty’s dick. Each pump is delivered with the hope that it’ll get her the load she badly desires and she doesn’t know it but each stroke gets her a little bit closer to achieving her desired result.

Angel Rose doesn’t know it but Scotty has a huge load backed up inside him. He can’t wait to unleash it on her and see what her reaction will be. He doesn’t have to wait long because her tugging is so on point that within minutes, she makes his dick explode. The shocked look on Angel’s face when the massive load of cum comes pummeling down on her body is absolutely worth watching a couple of times at least!

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